Domain Transfer

Please enter the body of your domain name (e.g.: mydomain) to the domain name box, the extension (e.g.: com) to the extension box and the transfer authorization code of your domain to the auth-code sections below.

Domain Name Extension


1) Before you initiate the transfer please make sure that the domain name is unlocked, in the WHOIS results which you will see in the next page that your e-mail is displayed and you obtained the transfer authorization code.
2) If you current company has provided you a control panel you may be able to unlock the domain, manage the WHOIS records and obtain the authorization code from the panel. If your panel does not provide these functions then you must get these done by contacting your current company.
3) You can initiate the transfer on expiration date at the latest. If the transfer gets successfully initiated, it will be protected and no interruptions will occur even if the expiration date passes during the transfer.